My family is having a little getaway in a 32 foot RV of my in law’s. It reminds me a lot of the days when my family of 6 traveled full time in a 24 foot Winnebago. Now I was a very young girl, so I don’t remember time frames really well, so I can’t tell you how long we traveled in the motor home. I just remember events and fun times in our little moving tin can. Mom said in was a 1974 Winnebago. I have googled it and found several images. I have tried to no avail to get some of the interior. I have found some that were close, so I included those for you to get an idea of what it was like. I have also made up a little floor plan for you to get an idea of what that was like too. Now, like I said, I was young. I don’t remember there being a sitting area, but there may have been. But I thought I would share with you some of the things I remember about living in a 24foot moving box with 5 other people.

This is the kind of latch that was attached to the ceiling. |
Second the sleeping arrangements were unique. Mom and Dad’s beds were at the back of the motor home, it was 2 twin beds that could be made into a king but it was a lot of trouble so they didn’t do that often. Above that area, was Tina and Jeni’s bed. This was most likely a full size bed. It was only about a foot or 18 inches from the top of the motor home. There was a latch on the ceiling that when the bed wasn’t in use you could just push the bed up and a metal loop on the bed frame would hook into the latch that was attached to the ceiling. This exact same concept was repeated above the driver and passenger seat. This is where Marla and I slept. Now, let me explain something to you, when you are trying to roll over in the middle of the night, 12-18 inches, does not allow you the luxury of sitting up, fluffing your pillow, then rolling over. OH NO, you sit up once and you have a knot on your forehead the next morning so big you look like a Cyclops!! Also, those midnight potty runs, are a little more challenging, especially if you are the sister on the inside (which I always was) First you gotta crawl over another kid, not hitting your head on the ceiling, and know EXACTLY where that metal latch I mentioned before is. Because hitting that thing is a new kinda hurt!! Then drop to the floor, which was about 5 ½ feet or so. Then go to the bathroom then come back. Now Marla and I didn’t usually have the ladder on our side, because we could use the backs of the drivers seat to get into our bed. Which is ok, most of the time, but when you are giving it the ole’ heave ho and you forget about that metal latch and you hit dead in the center of your still developing little 8 or 9 yr old skull, it can make you wanna throw up!! Then of course you still gotta crawl over a kid, who might I add, wakes up like a bear, so you cant scream like you want to cause she might kill you. Then finally drift off to dream land checking the top of your head for a pool of blood.

We have great memories of traveling together in that little moving box. When I was looking through to find pictures my heart skipped a beat as I found one of the inside of a motor home that was very close to the inside of ours. I wish I could go back and watch videos of us back then, I bet I was really cute!! But beyond that, I know that we were building memories and creating a sense of family that has made me who I am. I wouldn’t trade that for the world!!! I hope that I can be the kind of parent to my kids that my parents were to me. They set great examples for me to put God 1st in your life and to love your family with all your heart!! Thank you mom and dad for takings us on great adventures to revival after revival in a 24foot motor HOME!!!