Sunday, January 8, 2012

Paper trail

In her comment on my first entry mom tells about letting us have paper in church.  We were not allowed an iPad, PSP or any such invention.  No dolls or etcha sketch nary even a slinky were we permitted. But we had paper,and we knew how to use it.  (This was mainly the three youngest, Tina used her paper in far more mature ways than we.)  
This is how you take three sheets of typing paper and make it last for at least a one hour sermon:  First you tear each sheet in half, instantly doubled the fun.  You do this accurately by letting the oldest (2 of 4) be in chrage.  You line up the edges crease with your fingernail and finally lick it.  By licking it you ensure that the tearing sound of paper dividing does not attract the attention of the Pastors wife sitting in front of you,on the 1st pew.
Next, you chose what games are to be played on what sections of paper.  You have the dot game, tic tac toe, the game that predicts who you will marry, what car you will have and so on.  But the most fun was taking a sheet and tearing it into small shapes, licking them and sticking them to a song book, much like you would a flannel board in Sunday School.  There really are no limits to what you can do with typing paper and very creative sisters!
And if it so happened that dad preached a little longer than usual......there was always looking under the pew and trying to match feet to people, good times.
2 of 4


  1. I've played those games many times sitting in church. The dot game was the best.


  2. I loved matching feet to people!
